ABET accredits college and university programs in applied and natural science, computing, engineering and engineering technology.  Accreditation criteria and processes influence academic engineering.  If academic engineering culture change is desired to foster greater inclusion of diverse women, change in accreditation criteria and process is a key aspect of broad level systems change.   

The KnowlEDGE project focuses change efforts by seeking to broaden the participation of diverse women in the pipeline to the position of ABET Commissioner, positions that have the significant power in the accreditation process to influence site visit drivers and outcomes.  

Consistent with [Map of the ABET pipeline process] KnowlEDGE targets resources to support increased awareness of the importance of and barriers to inclusion of women in engineering, specifically the accreditation process and its evaluation criteria.  Proposed KnowlEDGE activities and resource deliverables specific to ABET include: 

  • IDEAL Scholars Scholarships
  • PEV Training Modules
  • ABET Member Professional Development
  • Gender DEI Change Advocacy