The application period for Cohort II of the ASEE KnowlEDGE Initiative is now closed.

1. What is the application timeframe?

The deadline to apply for Cohort II of the ASEE KnowlEDGE Initiative is May 17, 2024 at 11:59 PM, ET. Awardees will be announced by the end of June 2024.

 2.  Is there an official application form?

The application for Cohort II is now closed. 

 3. What is the amount of the award?

Each Change Team will receive $20,000 ($10,000 per year over two years).  

 4.  How many awards will be made?

A total of 8 awards will be made over the course of the five year project. Cohort I activities will occur from 2023 – 2025 and comprise four Change Teams from Mechanical Engineering departments. Cohort II activities will occur from 2024 – 2026. Cohort II teams are not limited to a specific engineering discipline. 

 5.  Who can apply?

Teams from engineering programs. All applicants must be willing to complete a deep self-examination, then develop and implement an action plan to modify promotion and tenure policies and processes in ways that ensure the inclusive and equitable success of diverse women engineers.

 6.  What are the expectations for awardees?

General expectations for awardees can be found here.