The goal of the ASEE KnowlEDGE Initiative is to align engineering systems of accreditation, professional societies (ProSs) and academic colleges and departments, to ensure the inclusive and equitable success of diverse women engineers. Inclusion of diverse women faculty advances engineering disciplinary excellence in a way that a homogenous professoriate cannot.
The ASEE KnowlEDGE Initiative will invite deans to nominate selected cohorts of engineering college Change Teams to submit proposals to adopt evidence-based diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) strategies focused on meaningful change.
The KnowlEDGE Initiative will provide funding and programming to support a select number of Change Teams in efforts to increase transparency in promotion and tenure (P & T).
Each team will be awarded $20,000 ($10,000 per year for two years), to support self-study, evaluation by a third-party site visit team, and action plan development and implementation. Eight (8) Change Teams will be selected over the life of the grant, with four (4) teams per cohort.
Over the course of the program, each Change Team will be expected to participate in the following activities:
- Self-evaluation to identify strengths and potential areas of improvement in the department promotion and tenure process.
- Monthly virtual Community of Practice (CoP) meetings
- An institutional site visit where an external evaluation team will interview faculty and gather information about the current status of promotion and tenure process
- Utilize insights from site visit report to develop an action plan to increase P&T transparency and equity
- Begin implementation of the action plan